Welcome to the 2023 Willinga Park Major Reduction Sale
Willinga Park Major Reduction Sale
10th – 11th March 2023
To be held at the world class Willinga Park Equine Facility
✳️ 31 Registered ridden horses
✳️ 19 Registered Led Yearlings
✳️ 6 Registered Brood Mares
Pre-work: Friday 10th March 2023 at 2.00pm
Sale: Saturday 11th March 2023 at 12.00 Noon
Camping & Accommodation available onsite via Willinga Park
A sale that boasts progeny from some of Australia’s most decorated and performed mares.
An event not to be missed.
☎️ Mark Barton 0419 488 256
☎️ Gavin Beard 0438 452 810
☎️ Joel Fleming 0467 725 195
☎️ Laura Lawrence 0428 658 395