Frequently Asked Questions


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Frequently Asked Questions

I’m a first-time vendor with Nutrien Equine Sales, how do I get started?

Follow this link ( will take you to the “Register” page where you will have to fill out a few simple details. After entering your details, you will receive an email confirming your new account. Please confirm your account via this email, then you will be able to head to the “Sign In” page to enter your email and the password you created on the “Register” page. 

I’m a returning vendor with Nutrien Equine Sales, how do I access my account that was on the old website?
How to Nominate?
Reserves are a new addition to the nominating platform, could you please elaborate on this function?
How to get bidcard online?

FAQ Auctions Plus

How to Bid on Auctions Plus?
  • Online Bidding will be held through AuctionsPlus. Please ensure you have an account with them. If you do not, you can register here.
  • Once set up with an AuctionsPlus account, please fill out our Online bid card registration process on the NutrienLive portal and select that you wish to bid online. Please enter your Auctions Plus Usercode into the drop down box (this can be found on your AuctionsPlus Dashboard)
  • Once you registration has been approved, your account will be set up to Bid on the Nutrien Classic Horse Sale with Auctions Plus.
  • Please ensure you complete this process at least 24 hours prior to the sale commencing to ensure your account is set up to bid.

Frequently Asked Questions WEBCAST

I'm trying to watch but there are adverts only?

We start the day and our breaks with recognition to our sponsors and event advertisers.

If watching Rewatch, please press play and then just like a You Tube video you can scroll the white bar at the bottom of the player to scrub through the footage.

Do I have to pay to watch any of the webcast?
The webcast is buffering or skipping, what can I do?
How can I rewatch if I have missed it?
How can I watch on my smart TV?
I can hear two lots of audio? Is that common?
I'm having trouble on my device, how can I watch?


Contact the Nutrien Equine team

Contact us with any enquiries