⚡️ 1 Week until the Nutrien Supreme Sale ⚡️
✳️ Online Catalgoue: https://www.nutrienequine.com.au/sup23-catalogue/
✳️ Bid Card Registrations are also open via Nutrien Live: https://www.nutrienequine.com.au/sup23-event-details-2/
✳️ Campdrafting & Challenges commence on Wednesday the 26th. With pre works for Broodmares & Yearlings to start at 12 on Thursday the 27th. Ridden pre works start at 7am Friday the 28th.
✳️ Broodmares & Yearlings will start selling Friday night the 27th. With the remainder of the Yearlings & Ridden horses to sell Saturday the 28th. Sunday the 29th the remaining Ridden horses will be sold.
☎️ Contacts
Simon Booth: 0438 756 245
Andrew Costello: 0429 485 191
Meg Ryan: 07 4637 3062
Mark Barton: 0419 488 256
Colby Ede: 0417 265 980
📸 Jo Thieme Photography