Joel Fleming

Joel Fleming

Livestock Marketing / Auctioneer
Where Are You Based
Tamworth, NSW

Years Of Industry Experience
13 years. Joel has worked as a Stock & Station Agent / Auctioneer in Goulburn NSW, Dubbo NSW, Dalby QLD and has been in Tamworth for 10 years where he currently sells Livestock and Rural Real Estate out of both Tamworth & Armidale.

Equine Experience
Joel and his family have all grown up around the horse industry especially campdrafting.
Joel, his eldest brother Matthew and father Peter are all past Champion Rider title winners in the SCA.
Joel has been involved in organising and auctioneering at Performance Horse Sales since 2011.

Area Of Expertise
Livestock Marketing, Rural Real Estate, Auctioneering, and Performance Horses.
Joel was the 2010 NSW Champion Auctioneer, 2011 QLD Champion Auctioneer, and the 2012 Australian Champion Auctioneer.
Joel is the only Auctioneer ever to win both a NSW & QLD title.

What Do You Do When You Aren’t Working At Nutrien
Spending time with my Wife Belinda and our newest additions to the family – Roy & Lacey Fleming!
When we get the chance, we like to spend time at home improving our little property.
