
Meagan Hopkins riding TULHURST CASH

Meagan Hopkins riding TULHURST CASH

🌟 Rehoming Update! 🌟
We had the good news end of last year about Kimberley Sammons unable to take on a rehoming horse because she is having a baby! Congrats Kimberley 🌟
We are very excited to introduce to you the new rider for
Australian born, 8yo (2013 drop), Bay, Gelding
Million Dollar Cam (USA) x Tulhurst Bonnie (AUS)
106 starts for 8 wins & 26 places – $59,000
Meagan Hopkins!
Q1. When did you first get on a horse
I was 4 after begging my non-horsey parents for a horse.

Q2. Favourite Event
Warwick it would seem!

Q3. Career Highlights
My 2 Warwick wins. The Ladies in 2008 and the Canning Downs in 2013.

Q4. What in a sentence is the basis of your horse training method?
Not rushing the formative years so they can can stay sound, happy and more competitive for the long term.

Q5. Best horseman or horsewoman you have ever met and the circumstance?
Everyone is so unique, I don’t think there is a ‘best’- and I’ve only met most of them in their books! I do know I stand on the shoulders of many giants and am thankful for anyone who has taken the time to share their lifetime of experience.

Q6. What is your experience with standardbreds?

Q7. Advise for other trainers in this project?
Not really, I’m sure they’re all going to do so well.

Meagan let us know that Cash had his first look at cattle on the weekend! Stay tuned for the video soon.

Wishing you the best of luck Meagan and bring it on! haha

We have some top-class performance horse trainers who are pretty lively personalities to boot!
Going to be a great showcase of the beautiful Standardbred breed at the Nutrien Classic Campdraft and Sale.
Proudly supported by Nsw Harness Rehoming & Nutrien Equine.

Nsw Harness Rehoming Nutrien Equine – Standardbred
#standardbred #nutrienequine #leaders #nutrienexperience #rehoming #rehomingstandardbreds