2021 Charlie Maher Memorial Young Guns Campdraft Final Winner: Matt Moffat
from Kabra QLD, on CAT SWIFT, owned by Zane Habermann, 180 points.
Monthly Archives: February 2021
2021 Prydes EasiFeed Australian Performance Horse Challenge Winner: Adam Wrobel
from Denman NSW, on BRANCHVALE NIPS N TUCKS, Owned by David and Leanne
Badior, 321 points.
2021 Navaho Trailers Masters Campdraft Winner: Peter Boulton from Heyfield VIC,
on GERROA SWEET ROMANCE, owned by Peter & Michelle Boulton, 177 points.

2021 Dalgety Stallion Shootout Champion
2021 Dalgety Stallion Shootout Overall Winner: Pete Comiskey from Nebo QLD, on
ARCHDALE CONVOY, owned by Stevenson & Frame, 255 points.
2021 Nutrien Equine Classic Campdraft Winner: Ben Hall from Muttaburra QLD, on
RATHCOOL DR WHO, owned by Ben & Jaye Hall, 269 points.

2021 Top Price Mare
Emily Poole’s Lot 151, CHESHIRE CAT, was purchased by The Jones Family Trust. This 8-year-old METALLIC CAT mare fetched a whopping $170,000!

2021 Top Price Stallion
Topping the stallion’s was Marilyn McCulloch’s Lot 21 HOATHS PETER. RP & HP Partnership purchased this 10-year-old stud for $125,000. HOATHS PETER is by WARRENBRI ROMEO himself and out of DOGWOOD COMET daughter, CRESWOOD EXPRESSION. He is an Open Challenge & Campdraft winner.

2021 Top Price Gelding
Lot 126 HEZA METALLIC CAT, on account of Joshua Poole, sold for $65,000. The 9-year-old METALLIC CAT gelding was purchased by Koobah Performance Horses from Tamworth, NSW.
2021 AELEC Bar Dash For Cash Gelding Draft Winner: Ben Hall from Muttaburra, on
HALLS SANDIEGO, owned by Luke Quaid, 91 points.
2021 Jimmy Matthews Memorial Ladies Dash For Cash Final Campdraft, sponsored
by CM Pastoral, Winner: Sophie Maynes from Tamworth, on GEM, 87 points.