Monthly Archives: February 2020

2020 Top Price Stallion

Lot 564 BRANCHVALE METAL ALLOY Emdee Enterprises

Koobah Performance Horses was the purchaser of this year’s top seller Branchvale Metal Alloy – a stallion by Metallic Cat out of Reys Little Hottie – on account of Emdee Enterprisers, who sold for an incredible $126,000 on day four of the Sale.

Lot 106 METALLIC STORM on account of Jim & Lynda MacCallum, sold to Metallic Storm Syndicate.

METALLIC STORM on account of Jim & Lynda MacCallum was passed in during the sale at $75,000 but later sold to Metallic Storm Syndicate for $100,000.

2020 Dalgety Stallion Shootout Winner

Here they are, ladies and gentleman – your winners of the 2020 Dalgetys Stallion shootout – John Lee on the one and only Jats Bar Adios Acres how good do they look! what an exciting night it was at the AELEC arena; the stands were packed with spectators, and the stallions put on an absolutely awesome show. Congratulations to all the competitors, what a great line up of some of Australia’s best performance horse sires!!